A forehead lift is most commonly performed in the 40-60 age range to minimise the visible effects of aging. However, it can also help people of any age who have developed furrows or frown lines due to stress or muscle activity. Individuals with inherited conditions, such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose can achieve a more alert and refreshed look with this procedure.
There are different types of forehead lift depending on which part of the eyebrow needs to be elevated.
2 hours
Local anaesthesia with sedation or General
Serious complications rare.
Nerve damage in less than 1 in a hundred. Usually temporary, recovering in a few months.
Bald spots at incision sites. Usually temporary
Numbness of forehead usually temporary recovering after 2 to 3 weeks
Slight relapse is not unusual. Significant relapse unusual
Home the same day
Minimal visible scarring. Virtually undetectable within hairline or covered by combing hair forward
Initial mild discomfort. Wash hair after 2 days. Swelling and bruising possible for 10 days. Minimal activity for a few days and back to work after 14 days