There are many different types of breast implants available.
Different Brands and Implant Fillings, Smooth, textured… Round, teardrop… High, moderate or low profile… Many choices are to be made.
Mr Athanassopoulos will help you decide on the optimal breast implants for your body shape & goals. He will talk you through all your options when choosing your breast implants.
Whichever you choose, you can feel secure knowing that we only use high-quality breast implants – Motiva Implants & Mentor Implants.
Your implants can be placed in front of the muscle, behind the muscle or in between – dual plane placement. Placing a breast implant in the dual plane – partially behind the muscle – results in a more natural sloping of the breast, whereas implants in front of the muscle often have a more pronounced roundness and enhanced look. Dual plane placement is also helpful for women with smaller breasts.
It all comes down to your personal preference, and Mr Athanassopoulos will be there to guide and support your decision, as each breast surgery approach has different benefits.
You have three choices for your incision site: under the fold of your breast (the inframammary fold or IMF) and less commonly, around the nipple (periareolar). Each of these sites has advantages and disadvantages in terms of how well your scar will be hidden, and most women have an immediate preference.