we provide cosmetic surgery across Aberdeenshire and Scotland
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✓ Expert Service
Registered NHS and GMC plastic surgery specialist consultant
✓ Variety of Procedures
We provide a range of surgery to suit your needs
✓ Award-Winning Surgeon
Thanassi Athanassopoulos has won several awards



Many people desire a flat, and toned-appearing abdomen. However, despite diet and exercise, such goals sometimes are not achieved. Following weight changes, aging, pregnancy, or prior surgery, the abdomen may not have the contoured look you desire – even after attempts at diet and exercise. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty surgery, may help you achieve a firmer and sleeker abdomen. Further, many stretch marks of the lower abdomen are often removed during a tummy tuck surgery – particularly those below the level of your belly button (umbilicus).

Abdominoplasty surgery is not a replacement for weight loss, but may be right for you if you are physically healthy, do not smoke, and feel your tummy has loose or extra skin, fatty tissue, and weak muscles.


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  • When to postpone a tummy tuck

    Although the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly diminished by significant fluctuations in your weight. For this reason, individuals who are planning substantial weight loss or women who may be considering future pregnancies may be advised to postpone a tummy tuck.

  • How to prepare for a tummy tuck

    The first step is for the consultation so that I can answer all your questions about surgery and the best way forward. There are lots of different types of procedures to improve your torso and they can be combined to get even better results. I perform all the different types of abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy with fat transfer and Brazilian butt lift as required. It is also important that we address the abdominal wall muscles, whether you have a hernia or divarication of the recti. I often work with general surgeons for the internal part. 

    The different operations leave different scars but also have limitations and part of the discussion is understanding your body shape and addressing your needs. 

  • Procedure

    The operation may take up to 4 hours under general anaesthetic depending on the extent of the fat and skin removal. The procedure starts with an incision across the base of the abdomen that generally follows the bikini line. Incisions for a mini tummy tuck can be significantly smaller. The belly button is separated from surrounding skin. The muscles will then be pulled together and stitched in place, excess fat will also be removed. Your belly button is then re-positioned and your lower abdomen is strapped with bandages. Whatever your motivation, having a tummy tuck will give you a flatter, firmer tummy that is more proportionate with your body shape. You will require an overnight stay in hospital, after which you will be discharged with an abdominal support garment that must be worn constantly for the first 4 weeks.

  • Recovery

    Whether you're having a partial or complete tummy tuck, the area that's operated on will be stitched and bandaged. It's very important that you take it easy during the first few weeks. Recovery depends on the extent of the surgery and the amount of work that is required to pull the muscles in underneath. You will have to limit strenuous activity for at least six weeks. Generally, most people love how they look after this procedure. That can take time though and diet and exercise can help you maintain the results.



  • Full Abdominoplasty

    The cut extends from hip bone to hip bone and then we contour the skin, tissue, and muscle as needed. The surgery will involve moving your belly button.

  • Mini Abdominoplasty

    Mini abdominoplasties are often done on people whose fat deposits are located below the navel or mainly have skin excess beneath the belly button. During this procedure, the surgeon most likely will not move your belly button. 

  • Fleur de Lys / Corset Abdominoplasty

    I usually perform this type of abdominoplasty in the massive weight loss patient as it treats upper abdominal fat and skin excess when there is simply too much extra. The upside is that it can also help treat back skin excess and define the hourglass figure.

  • Belt Lipectomy

    The belt lipectomy combines a full abdominoplasty at the front and buttock lift at the back. It can help with lower back skin excess

    If you smoke, I'll insist you stop for 2 months before and after surgery.  Don't try a drastic diet before the surgery. Eat well-balanced, complete meals. A healthy diet may help you heal better. 


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